Thursday, August 8, 2013


San Luis is a Night Club very hispanic and latino.

I was and inside was closer empty. Just half dozen of mexican drinking beers.

A dozen of latino ladies are talking together in some areas of the nigh club, but any come to talk to me.
 You and me know the drill... They come, ask for a drink, you invite her and just talk and talk and invite her to a lot of drinks... And maybe if you are lucky and she like you, depart to a closer motel for some chinga chinga, after you pay the motel room and donate some money for the lady time enjoy spend with you.
The point here is the place was death, empty. No fun, no joy. The lazies ladies don't want talk and then.... Why spend time and money drinking in a bored place like this one? I never return to San Luis. A totally waste of time.

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